After a seven-year hiatus, the iconic underground ensemble Mission: Infect – featuring the likes of Lo Key, Badluck, Dubbs, DurtE, Grewsum, Madd Maxxx, Malaria, Mumm Ra, St. Sinna, Tha Wikid One, and Zero – returns with "arM:Igeddon", a groundbreaking EP marking their first collective project in nearly a decade.
With an impressive track record of six full-length albums, including the renowned Chemical Threats series, and individual success stories in the wicked shit genre, the collective reassembles, fusing their distinct solo artistry into a cohesive and electrifying experience.
"arM:Igeddon" is more than a comeback; it's a testament to Mission:Infect's unyielding presence and evolution. The EP showcases a rich tapestry of genres – from horrorcore to trap, boom bap to hardcore hip-hop, and EDM – all wrapped in the group's unbridled joy of reunion.